Grand Prix 4 Geoff'a Cramond'a WYJE!! (żdża) z Pit Stopu na konsoli XBOX !!


Infogrames moves into pole position as it announces that the undisputed king of PC F1 racing games is to make its console debut.


Infogrames przesuwa się na Pole Position gdy ogłasza, że bezdyskusyjny król wyścigów Formuły 1 na peceta zadebiutuje na konsoli.


London, January 2002 - Enter a universe born of perfection, technology, competition, blistering speed and of course glamour - and witness the unveiling of a new chapter in Formula 1 gaming. Leading interactive games publisher, Infogrames, has today announced that it is bringing one of the largest and most critically acclaimed brands in gaming to Next Gen consoles for the first time, specifically the Microsoft Xbox.


Londyn, Styczeń 2002 - Wejdź w świat perfekcyjnej technologii, wpółzawodnictwa, ogromnej prędkości oraz przede wszystkim blichtru i doświadcz objawienia nowego rozdziału w grach Formuły 1.
Czołowy wydawca gier sieciowych, Infogrames, ogłosił dziś, że pierwszy raz przenosi największą, najbardziej uznaną i entuzjastycznie przyjętą markę na konsolę następnej generacji, tzn. na Microsoft XBOX-a.


Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 4 is the latest instalment in a hugely successful PC racing series, having sold over 2 million units worldwide. The new edition will launch on both PC and Xbox in June 2002, bringing the sheer exhilaration of real F1 racing to a massive global audience.


Grand Prix 4 Geoff'a Crammond'a jest najnowszym rozdziałem w rewelacyjnej serii wyścigów na komputery PC ze sprzedanymi dwoma milionami kopii na całym świecie. Nowy tytuł wyjdzie zarówno na PC-ta jak i na XBOX-a w czerwcu 2002, przynosząc czystą radość prawdziwych wyścigów Formuły 1 masowym odbiorcom.


From the inception of the first Grand Prix title in 1992, the Grand Prix series has garnered unparalleled critical acclaim, with PC Gamer hailing Grand Prix 3 as a "masterpiece". Inherent throughout the entire series is the staggering attention to detail, phenomenal car physics, and utterly realistic artificial intelligence. The Xbox and PC titles will of course carry the official 2001 FIA Formula One World Championship licence, featuring all the official drivers, teams and tracks from the 2001 season.

Now working in conjunction with Infogrames' Chippenham internal development studio, acknowledged gaming guru Geoff Crammond together with his own development company Simergy has taken the Grand Prix brand to a new level.

"We believe Grand Prix 4 raises and re-defines our own benchmarks in terms of realism and playability", commented Crammond. "Our aim is not simply to produce a great game about racing, but to deliver a complete F1 driving experience which is as close to having a real F1 drive as possible.''

Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 4 for PC and Xbox boasts an all new graphics engine, new 2001 season car physics, plus ultra-realistic track layouts based on actual GPS data, which produce even greater player involvement and immersion than ever before. A whole host of other new additions are promised, including multi-player options, improved audio and a motion-captured pit crew, all combining to offer the player the most intense F1 racing experience available.

Cyril Voiron, Infogrames' Marketing Manager for Sport & Racing titles announced, "To PC gamers, Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix games represent the epitome of F1 video-gaming. By bringing Grand Prix to Xbox as well as PC, we are offering console gamers the first ever opportunity to get their hands on the next evolution of a legend."

Od czasu wydania pierwszej wersji Grand Prix w 1992 roku, seria ta zgromadziła wiele niezrównanych recenzji, na czele z pismem PC Gamer, które okrzyknęło Grand Prix 3 jako "mistrzostwo" .


Infogrames Entertainment (Euronext: 5257) is one of the top five developers and publishers of interactive entertainment in the world, and comprises the publicly traded, U.S.-based Infogrames, Inc. (Nasdaq: IFGM), and Infogrames Europe. The Company develops, publishes and distributes interactive games for all available gaming platforms, including Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, the PC, and the Macintosh, as well as for various interactive platforms.

Infogrames' catalog of more than 1,000 titles includes games for consumers of all ages and features numerous popular franchises, including Alone in the Dark, Big Price, Civilization, Driver, Independence War, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Test Drive, Unreal Tournament, and V-Rally, among others. In addition, the Company holds the exclusive license to some of the world's most recognizable entertainment brands, including Warner. Bros.' Looney Tunes, Le Mans, Men In Black, Mission: Impossible, NASCAR, Superman, Survivor, Terminator, Transworld, and many more. Infogrames' games fall into two general categories, CORE GAMES for the gaming audience, and FAMILY GAMES for the enjoyment of the whole family.

With a global distribution networks that reaches more than 50,000 retail outlets, Infogrames commands a significant market presence and shelf space in every major market. In the U.S. alone, the Company's distribution network reaches in excess of 22,000 outlets, ranging from major retailers such as Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target to specialty shops and online outlets.

Opis tutułów wydanych przez Infogrames i licencji posiadanych przez firmę.

(taken from company website)

Infogrames Corporate Overview Founded 1983 Employees 2400 worldwide 1000 in North America Headquarters Lyon, France (Infogrames Entertainment SA -- Worldwide Headquarters) New York, NY (Infogrames, Inc. -- US Headquarters) Other Offices France, United Kingdom, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Brazil, India, China, Australia, Japan Revenue Infogrames Entertainment SA (Euronext 5257) FY 99/00 revenues: $498 million Infogrames, Inc. (Nasdaq: IFGM) FY 99/00 revenues: $375 million (Note: A portion of Infogrames, Inc.'s FY 99/00 revenues are accounted for in Infogrames Entertainment's revenues.) Overview Infogrames is a global publisher of digital interactive entertainment software. Founded in 1983, the company is one of the largest entertainment software companies in the world. Infogrames currently develops and distributes award-winning computer and video games for the PlayStation® game console, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Microsoft® Xbox, Nintendo® 64, Nintendo® Game Boy Color, Sega® Dreamcast, Macintosh®, and personal computer platforms. Licenses Infogrames is known for its long list of well-known licenses spanning cars, movies, cartoons, athletes, sports leagues, and more. Some of the company's key licenses include Warner Bros. Looney Tunes?, Nickelodeon's Blue's Clues, AM General Hummer®, Harley-Davidson®, Major League Baseball, and National Football League. Franchises Infogrames has published many award-winning franchises in its 17-year history, including Alone In The Dark?, Test Drive®, Driver, Deer Hunter, Oddworld, Unreal, and V-Rally?. The company is also known for its best-selling and award-winning line of children's entertainment software from Humongous Entertainment®, as well as its successful Macintosh publishing label, MacSoft, the number one publisher of Macintosh entertainment software. Developers Infogrames has internal development teams comprised of over 1000 people, and together with some of the most well-known teams in the industry has created a top-notch portfolio of development partnerships : Appeal (Outcast) DarkWorks (Alone In The Dark) Eden Studios (V-Rally) Epic Games (Unreal Tournament) Oddworld (Munch's Oddysee) Paradigm Entertainment (Looney Tunes Duck Dodgers) Particle Systems (Independence War) Pitbull Syndicate (Test Drive, Demolition Racer) Reflections (Driver) Distribution Infogrames distributes its software directly through a network of over 30,000 outlets in Europe and an additional 20,000 in the U.S.


Opis Sytuacji giełdowej Infogrames.

Firma posiada sieć 30-stu tysięcy sklepów w Europie i 20 tysięcy w USA.

According to Bruno Bonnell on a television interview, the founders used a mix-and-match computer program to suggest names for their new company, one of which was "Infogramme": a portmanteau of the French words "informatique" (information technology) and "programme" (a computer program). The final choice, "Infogrames", was a slightly modified version of that suggestion, and is properly pronounced "IN-foe-gramz" — it is unrelated to the English word "games". However, in English, it is sometimes misunderstood as a misspelling of Infrogames, and sometimes referred to thereof.
Powołując się na telewizyjny wywiad z Bruno Bonnell'em, założyciele użyli komputerowego programu do mieszania i łączenia słów by zasugerować nazwę dla ich nowej firmy. Jednym ze słów było "Infogramme"; połączenie znaczeniowe francuskich słów: "informatique" i "programme". Końcowy wybór "Infogrames", był delikatnie zmodyfikowaną wersją tej propozycji i prawidłowo wymawia się go "In-fou-greimz". Słowo to nie ma nic wspólnego z "games". Jednakże, w języku angielskim, wymowa jest czasami mylona z przeliterowaną wersją Infrogames odnoszącą się do tego źródłosłowu.


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